Mastering Business Management

This book is a symphony of strategic insights, blending time-tested principles with innovative approaches

I help companies build and launch wildly scalable marketing systems online...

Experience transformative growth under the guidance of Shamnas

Every business has the potential to be better. I want to help you achieve that.

As your marketing coach, my mission is to serve as a catalyst for your success. I strive to empower you with the tools, insights, and support necessary to build highly scalable marketing systems and campaigns in place.

Shamnas Cv

How Can We Work Together?

Connect with me on a one on one consultation call and I will help you setup/scale your online business.

I am running a paid community where I help people start affiliate marketing and make money online.

I can connect you with my company, Traxn Inc. for building websites and digital marketing services for your business.

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Coaching Call

Join Internet Lifestyle Club

I believe people should be more free and they shouldn’t be stuck at a 9-5 job. There are many ways to make money online and live a dream lifestyle. And affiliate marketing is my favourite of doing this.